St. Michael’s Alabstars College News Letter

                                                                                 28th March, 2024


We thank God for successful end of the 2nd term 2023/2024. We are grateful to you for all the support.
We appeal you carefully read the information therein:

VACATION: School proceed on Easter Break today Thursday 28th March, 2024. To resume Monday 22nd April 2024.

EXTENSION CLASSES: SS3 & JSS3 are to resume for extension classes after Good Friday and Easter Monday public holidays on Monday 8th April 24. From 8am to 2pm with school uniform. That's the school tradition to do practicals for both junior and senior.

STUDENTS MARK SCRIPT: Are ready with the class teachers for collection from Wednesday 3rd April 24.

E –RESULT : Students are to check their result from Tuesday 9th April 24. The result will be online by noon. A new pin will reissued today that is security friendly for accessing result for those who paid #1000 in first term. Others can still pick up their result checker pin with same #1000 to access previous and current term.
Steps to access online result with student pin:
Step 1: Login into
Steps 2: click on the three line at the right top for phone users or click on check result for desktop users.
Step 3: click on the student class, click the term, click the student name,
Step 4: Enter the student pin and click ok.
SMAC CODING CLASS: The 12weeks intensive coding class ended yesterday 27th March 24 with students designing website for their parents and personal business. Congratulations to you.

USE OF LAPTOP COMPUTER : We encourage parent to get laptop for their wards in senior secondary for ICT and computer study. The management is working marking our exams CBT soon.
USE OF PHONES: We frowned at parents who despite several announcement that the school DOES NOT permit students with phones in school still gives their wards phones. Henceforth any phone cease will be filled in the school black BOOK.

SCHOOL FEES : parent are to pay within two weeks of resumption at the school bursary unit with pos or through the Zenith bank account number : 1014013602. St Michael’s Alabstars College.
Junior school: N30,000
Senior school: N35,000

APTITUDE TEST: JS3 APTITUDE TEST comes up soon.The amount is#3500

JS3 PRACTICAL: practicals payment is ongoing as directed by the Ministry of Education that Basic 9 must produce individual projects.
NECO REGISTRATION: We encourage our parents to use opportunity to register their wards for the 2024 before it's closes.
DIRTY UNIFORMS: We appeal to parents to always check their wards uniform before they leave for school as cleaniness is next to godliness.

We wish all our parents and students Happy Easter celebrations


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